BMO Financial Group Donation Supports Training of
Physicians for BC’s Northern Communities

Media Release

June 8, 2005 forimmediate release

BMO Financial Group has announced a $150,000contribution towards the education and retention of physicians in northerncommunities.

June 8, 2005 forimmediate release

BMO Financial Group has announced a $150,000contribution towards the education and retention of physicians in northerncommunities.

BMO Financial Group’s donation to the NorthernMedical Programs Trust is part of a major fundraising initiative involving 25communities throughout northern BC to provide financial assistance andincentives to students enrolled in the Northern Medical Program. To date, about$2.2 million has been raised.

BMOBank of Montrealhas played a key role in the establishment and development of UNBC since itsinception – providing financial support over the years to the start-up capitalcampaign, an Aboriginal scholarship endowment fund, the DNA sequencer for geneticresearch, and the Bentley Centre.

 “We strive to build trusted relationships withthe communities where we do business and we are proud to support thisinnovative program at UNBC to train physicians in northern BC,” said RichardRudderham, Senior Vice President, BMO Bank of Montreal for BC and Yukon Division. “TheNorthern Medical Programs Trust is unique in Canada and quite visionary. Bytraining physicians in the North, they will be more likely to practice innorthern and rural communities after they graduate from medical school.”

“This generous donation by BMO Financial Group tothe Northern Medical Programs Trust demonstrates the longstanding and outstanding relationshipthat exists between BMO and UNBC,” says UNBC President Charles Jago. “We aregrateful for this financial support that will enhance the well-being ofcitizens in our northern communities.” 

The Northern Medical Program has a particular focuson educating future doctors who have both the skills and the attitude necessaryto practice in northern communities. It is part of the expanded UBC Faculty ofMedicine, and uses state-of-the-art technology in the delivery of the curriculum.

Asone the country’s leading corporate donors, BMO Financial Group contributed $29million in corporate donations, sponsorships and events in 2004, supportinghundreds of charities and not-for-profit organizations in Canada. 


Laurie Grant, BMO Financial Group, Vancouver,604-665-7596 or Andy Clough, BMO Bank of Montreal, Prince George, 250-565-8683

or Robert van Adrichem, Director of Media andPublic Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622

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