New UNBC Board Chair & Vice-Chair

Media Release

May 4, 2005 for immediate release

The Board of Governors for the University of Northern British Columbia has a new Chair and Vice-Chair.

Donald Rix is replacing Prince George accountant Ron Fichtner asBoard Chair. Dr. Rix is currently the Chairman of MDS Metro LaboratoryServices, the largest independent community medical lab in BC. He is a leaderin the BC technology and biotechnology communities, serving as a director of Genome BC, a director ofthe BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and a member of both the BC InnovationCouncil and the Premier’s Technology Council, as well as representing theprovince on science and technology missions to countries throughout the Pacific Rim.  Hehas been a UNBC Board member since 2003 and recently contributed $3 million tothe University for health teaching and research.

Noreen Rustad of Prince George is the new Board Vice-Chair. She has lived in Prince George for nearly60 years and has been involved with a number of community organizationsincluding the Prince George Community Foundation, the Weavers and SpinnersGuild, and Brownies and Guides. She was the Rotary Citizen of the Year in 1992and received the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002. In 2001, she was namedan honorary member of the UNBC Alumni Association. Ms. Rustad has been on theBoard since 2003 and replaces Colin Griffith from the Peace River-Liard regionas Vice-Chair.

The Board of Governors is the University’s ultimatedecision-making body on the financial and administrative operation of theUniversity. Its members include the President and Chancellor, students, facultyand staff, regional representatives, and appointments by theLieutenant-Governor in Council. The next Board meeting is May 28th.

Both the Chair and Vice-Chair appointments are for one-yearterms.


Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations,UNBC – 250.960.5622


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