2005 Honorary Degree Recipients Named

Media Release

April 21, 2005 for immediate release

Two career educators who have made significant contributionsto the advancement of knowledge will be recognized with honorary degrees fromUNBC in 2005.

Mary Alice Danaher has been the driving force behind theWeekend University, a unique partnership involving UNBC, the Cariboo TribalCouncil, and the University College of the Cariboo (now, Thompson RiversUniversity). The program makes courses available in Williams Lakeon alternate weekends to First Nations people from throughout the region, and anumber have graduated with bachelor’s degrees and certificates. Most of her35-year teaching career has been spent in the Cariboo, working with the CanimLake Band and the Cariboo Tribal Council. She is a graduate of The Universityof Montreal, the University of Toronto, and GonzagaUniversity and is recipient of theOrder of Canada.

K. George Pedersen has the distinction of being thePresident or Vice-President of five BC universities, including a short term asInterim President of UNBC before the arrival of Charles Jago. He was alsoPresident of the University of Western Ontario fornine years and served as UNBC’s second Chancellor for six years. Born innorthern Alberta,he received his teaching diploma in 1952 and has since provided unparalleledleadership and advocacy for public education. He received ten scholarships enroute to completing a PhD at the University of Chicago where he gaineda profound understanding of the relationship between higher education and theaims of society. Presently, he is an advisor to the Salzburg Seminar, whichprovides assistance to eastern European and Russian universities. He has beenadmitted to the Order of Ontario and the Orderof British Columbia, and is an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Both Dr. Danaher and Dr. Pedersen will be presented withhonorary degrees at the May 27 Convocation ceremony. The official credential isa Doctor of Laws honoris causa.

An honorary degree is the highest award presented by theUniversity and recognizes outstanding public service of national significance.Past recipients have included Haida artist Bill Reid, former Governor-GeneralRamon Hnatyshyn, current Lieutenant-Governor Iona Campagnolo, and Fetal AlcoholSyndrome pioneer Kwadwo Asante. This past August, UNBC also presented tenhonorary degrees to its founders as part of the University’s celebrations inrecognition of its first decade of full operations.


Robert van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations,UNBC – 250.960.5622

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