Board of Governors Meeting This Weekend

Media Release

January 26, 2005

A proposal to expand UNBC’s presence in the North Peaceregion will be one of the issues discussed by UNBC’s Board of Governors when itmeets in Prince Georgethis Saturday, January 29.

A delegation from the City of Fort St John will bepresenting its strategic plan to establish a larger campus in Fort St John helpprovide a highly skilled workforce for the region and contribute to theeconomic and social development of the Northeast. A UNBC Educational Strategy committee,chaired by Fort St John city councillor Julie VanderLinden, has developed a 30-page report. The members of the committee wereselected from various sectors: the municipal (FortSt John and Taylor),health (Northern Health), business (Duke Energy, Canfor,BC Oil and Gas Commission, and the Chamber ofCommerce), and education (School District #60,Northern Lights College, and UNBC).

The presentation from Fort St Johnwill occur near the start of the meeting.

Other items on the agenda include an update on the NorthernSport Centre project, the University’s plan for varsity athletics, and reportsfrom both the President and Chancellor Peter Bentley.

The Board of Governors meeting will begin at 9am in the SenateChambers (located in the atrium of the Administration Building).