Back to School 2016! Meet some of our students

Hometown: Bracebridge, ON
Program Year: One (Class of 2020)
What attracted you to your field of study?
I finished a PhD in pharmacology in 2014. I was located at the Montreal Heart Institute and worked closely with cardiologists, residents, and other medically related fields. I was fascinated by the work they did and the close and personal encounters they had with patients. Lab work is important and interesting, but it lacks the human interaction that I realized I craved. I hope to continue research but most look forward to serving my future patients.
What excites you about the upcoming year?
Starting! I have been living in Montreal for the past 9 years, so it will be a big change to go from the French-speaking east coast to the outdoorsy laid back style of the West Coast. I am excited about making new friends, trying new things, and of course learning about medicine.
What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I have an advanced open-water SCUBA diving license. I received my certification in Victoria and since then I dive whenever I have a chance.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I hope to be finished medical school and in my first year of residency. I am currently leaning towards family medicine, but a lot can change in 5 years!
Best piece of advice?
Wow, tough question. I have received so many "best pieces of advice". This one comes to mind, "Happiness is not something we find, it’s something we create."
Last vacation destination:
I spent this past summer in Munich, Germany with my boyfriend. We were lucky to travel to Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and France.
Jessica Pettigrew

Hometown: Penticton, BC
Program Year: Two (Class of 2019)
What attracted you to your field of study?
Ever since an elementary school teacher of mine brought a cow’s heart to school, I have been fascinated with biology and, more specifically, human biology. Medicine combines this scientific curiosity with a desire to work with and teach people, so it incorporates all of my interests and passions.
What excites you about the upcoming year?
I am excited to continue learning and to continue engaging with the Prince George community.
What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I love pleasure reading and I still try to find time to read fiction novels while in classes. I can usually be found reading novels involving wit and romance, but my favourite book will always be 1984 by George Orwell. I am always rereading that book.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I envision myself being happy and busy, living a full and balanced life. In terms of my career, I will likely be in the middle of my residency since I am currently thinking of specializing, but it is difficult to predict at this point in my training.
Best piece of advice?
Listen. You are not learning anything when your lips are moving.
Last vacation destination:
Greece. This summer, I completed a clerkship in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology departments in a Northern community in Greece. It was a fantastic learning experience, plus I was able to explore the beautiful country while I was there.
Kirk Dixon

Hometown: Summerland, BC
Program Year: Three (Class of 2018)
What attracted you to your field of study?
I saw both of my grandmothers pass away very quickly within two years and this showed me first hand that things sometimes happen very fast medically. I wanted to learn how to help people in these types of situations. Medicine is a great mix of challenge, problem solving, and caring for patients so it was a good fit for me.
What excites you about the upcoming year?
We are finished the didactic learning and our 3rd year is full time at the hospital. We are in full clinical mode which has been unbelievable so far. I've learned a lot by watching different physicians' techniques and styles and the hands-on experience is by far my favourite way to learn.
What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I have produced three original Nuevo Flamenco CD’s. I also had a top 40 type of tune on an international radio station.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
That's a tough one but I can say this for sure… Practicing medicine somewhere small and playing music.
Best piece of advice?
Stay humble.
Last vacation destination:
Scottsdale Arizona
Montana Osiowy

Hometown: Grand Forks, BC
Program Year: Four (Class of 2017)
What attracted you to your field of study?
I grew up in a small town with my mom as the local family doctor. I wanted to follow in her footsteps and contribute to my community in the same significant way.
What excites you about the upcoming year?
I’m looking forward to travelling to different electives, learning more in the fields that I’m interested in, finding out where I match and graduating!
What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
My first car, that I drove until I was 22, was an orange scooter. I loved that thing!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I hope to be a full service family doctor serving a small community somewhere in BC. During my free time, I hope to enjoy the outdoors with my husband and friends.
Best piece of advice?
Dreams do come true if you have the courage to pursue them.
Last vacation destination:
Honeymoon in Disneyland!
Want to learn more about students in UBC's Faculty of Medicine, which includes those in the Northern Medical Program at UNBC? Check out Back to School 2016!