
To view the First Nations Studies Department Fall Course Offerings please click here. First Nations Summer Course Poster 2025

Congratulations to the Graduates from the Department of First Nations Studies. Class of 2024

Equity statement

Indigenous studies is a diverse discipline unified by our engagement with Indigenous peoples and communities in a reciprocal manner, which forefronts Indigenous ways of knowing and knowledge systems, and respects their diversity and right to self-determination. Given the sordid history of Indigenous-settler relations around the world, we are well aware of the need to work towards equity, diversity, and inclusion and actively work to combat all forms of discrimination and prejudice in our teaching, research, and service to the community. We are also well aware of the systemic and systematic structures that exist in post-secondary education and disadvantage numerous groups and are committed to actively promoting positive change at the University of Northern British Columbia.

What is First Nations Studies?

First Nations Studies is a field of study that values knowledge, wisdom, traditions and histories that reflect the lived experiences of Aboriginal people and communities.

From multiple Aboriginal world views, we examine identities, voices, values, beliefs and contemporary perspectives.  We continue to actively support reconciliation individually, locally and nationally.

Why take First Nations Studies at UNBC?

This is an innovative, inclusive, and transformative program that will broaden one's understanding of the world.  We teach our students to think logically and creatively and communicate their ideas effectively, through oral and written means.  We were the first university in British Columbia to offer a Bachelor's degree in First Nations Studies and the first department in Canada to offer a Master's degree in First Nations Studies.

What can you do with an education in First Nations Studies?

The Department of First Nations Studies upholds the values and practice of relationship, respect, responsibility and reciprocity.  Our program prepared individuals to work effectively with individuals, organizations, industry, governments and communities.

Our graduates go on to work in a variety of fields including education, health, social services, law, natural resources, politics, etc.

What if I only want to take a few courses?

All students are welcome in our courses. No matter what field of study you are in, our courses can offer you a transformative perspective on Aboriginal realities, both historically and in contemporary times.

What about funding?

There are numerous funding opportunities for UNBC students. There are bursaries, scholarships and awards that First Nations Studies majors can apply for through UNBC, from other institutions and through other opportunities. UNBC deadlines for undergraduate awards are below:

  • Early Entrance Awards (December 15) - Must have applied for admission and received an admission decision by this date; only the UNBC Leadership Awards require an online application.
  • Entrance Awards (March 1) - Must have applied for admission and received an admission decision by this date; requires an online application.
  • In-Course Undergraduate Awards for continuing undergraduate students, 2nd to 4th year (March 1) - Requires an online awards application.
  • General Awards for all students (March 1) - Requires an online awards application.

Complete list of awards, scholarships and bursaries

Additional funding opportunities

How can I be kept in the loop?

We strongly encourage students to sign up for our FNST List Serv. The UNBC FNST listserv is designed to provide a venue for those interested in Indigenous issues.  This is a one-way broadcast from the UNBC First Nations Studies Department to registered members highlighting events, news and job opportunities at UNBC, in the communities and elsewhere, with no more than five e-mails per week.

To subscribe (or unsubscribe) please sign up at FNST listserv.

To have your news/event/opportunity passed through our listserv, please send us your announcement with an appropriate title in the e-mail. Please note that for the purpose of our mandate and respect of other people’s time, we will be screening the amount/types of e-mails we send out.