Department Chair
PhD, MSc (Queen's University), BSc (University of British Columbia)
Undergraduate Coordinator
PhD (Simon Fraser University), BSc (University of Calgary)
Our lab loves insects (and other arthropods)! And we particularly love local insects, although we really aren’t picky.
Our current projects include:
MSc and PhD University of Calgary
Research and Expertise
PhD Forest Sciences (Lakehead University), MSc Forestry (Lakehead University)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Calgary)
Research and Expertise
PhD, Forest Pathology and Mycology (State University of New York ESF)
Research and Expertise
Associate Professor, RPP MCIP
Research and Expertise
PhD McMaster University
Research and Expertise
Crockett, Dr. Erin
PhD McGill University
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Saskatchewan)
Research and Expertise
Gorrell, Dr. Jamie
PhD (University of Alberta), MSc (Laurentian University), BSc Hons. (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Research and Expertise
Harding, Dr. Lauren
PhD University of British Columbia, MA York University, BA University of Alberta
Research and Expertise
Research and Expertise
Janes, Dr. Jasmine
PhD University of Tasmania, Australia
Research and Expertise
BSc University of Victoria, PhD University of Northern BC
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Alberta), MSc (University of Guelph), BSc (University of Guelph)
Research and Expertise
PhD and MSc Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Research and Expertise
Mullins, Dr. Philip
PhD, MA, University of Alberta; BA, HBOR Lakehead University
Research and Expertise
PhD (McMaster University), MSc, BSc (University of Alberta)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Toronto), MSc (Trent University), BSc (Hons) (Liverpool John Moores University)
Research and Expertise
PhD, Ecology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences - 2014), Doctor Philosophiae Thesis, MSc, Biology (UNBC - 1999), BSc (California State University, Stanislaus - 1992)
Research and Expertise
Spinola, Dr. Diogo
PhD (University of Tübingen), MSc (Federal University of Viçosa)
Research and Expertise
PhD University of Queensland, Australia
PhD (Queen's University), MA (University of Ottawa), BSc (University of Ottawa)
Research and Expertise
PhD, Geography (University of Victoria), MSc, Forestry (UNBC), RPF
Research and Expertise
Zhao, Dr. Violet
PhD University of Alberta
Research and Expertise
Senior Lab Instructors
I received my BSc in Biology from the University of Victoria and my MSc in Biology from UNBC. Over the years I have taught labs in first year introductory biology, second year microbiology and third year limnology.
PhD (Cornell University)
Professors Emeriti/Emeritae
PhD (Universty of Illinois), MS (University of Hawaii), BSc Honours (University of Saskatchewan), RPBio
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Victoria)
PhD (UC Berkeley, 1988), BScA (University of Saskatchewan, 1983)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of British Columbia)
Research and Expertise
FK Uppsala University, MPM Simon Fraser University, PhD Simon Fraser University
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Saskatchewan), MSc (University of Manitoba), BSA, Honours (University of Manitoba)
Research and Expertise
BScF (University of New Brunswick), MEDes (University of Calgary), PhD (University of Alberta)
Research and Expertise
Research and Expertise
Research and Expertise
Wright, Dr. Pamela
PhD, MSc (Ohio State University); BSc, HBOR (Lakehead University)
Research and Expertise
Adjunct Faculty
RPBio, MSc University of Guelph, BSc UNBC
Morgan Anderson completed her BSc in Biology and Natural Resource Management -Wildlife and Fisheries at UNBC, and her MSc in Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph.
Dr. Bogdanski is a federal government research economist with the Canadian Forest Service.
Registered Professional Forester (RPF), Bachelors of Forest Management, Oregon State University
Sue Grainger, RPF has been the General Manager of the JPRF since 1997. She is a Registered Professional Forester and has bachelor’s degree in Forest Management from Oregon State University.
PhD (Lincoln University)
Dr. Pat Maher is an Associate Professor of Community Studies (COMS) and Sport and Physical Activity Leadership (SPAL). He received his BA (Geography) and Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation (HBOR) from Lakehead University and PhD from Lincoln University (New Zealand).
PhD, PAg
MSc (2003), MEd, RPBio, BSc Wildlife Biology (UNBC, 1998)
Mark Thompson is a herpetologist. He works as a senior research ecologist with a consulting firm in Prince George.