About SI

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a co-curricular academic program that supports students in high-risk courses rather than targeting students. Weekly, peer-led review sessions are offered to students enrolled in the high-risk course to help students develop learning strategies, analyze content, compare notes, and prepare for exams. The sessions are highly interactive and facilitated by trained students (SI leaders) who attend lectures, plan sessions, and create learning communities.  

The SI model helps students integrate what to learn with how to learn. Students who attend SI have been shown to earn less D and F grades and generally have higher grades. It has been successfully implemented around the world as an effective retention strategy in a variety of higher education contexts.

For more information about the SI model, please visit:

International Center for Supplemental Instruction

Canadian Centre for Supplemental Instruction 

Or, stop by the Academic Success Centre (first floor of the library)

SI schedule

SI Session